Bulgarian Real Estate Market

It is no secret for anyone that most of our compatriots travel abroad every year during the summer period, which is caused by the recurrent " rolling " trajectory for changing places and environment, writes Alexander. And some of those tourists who have been enchanted by the beauty and comfort of distant countries are seriously beginning to think about the possibility of acquiring their own. Overseas housing♪
To date, the share of Russian buyers in the foreign real estate market fluctuates between 7 and 8 per cent. The main regions of our fellow citizens are either the so-called budgetary zones (Bulgaria, Montenegro, Greece, Turkey) or the elite segment (United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Italy). In other words, an option that responds to both its requests and the size of the wallet can be found, ranging from entrepreneurs and middle managers to large businessmen and politicians. However, the latter is somewhat more difficult in this regard than in the first place, it is hardly the responsibility of large officials to report for each copy.
The other day, one of the Russian-language portals devoted to life in France was marked by a realtor living in Marseille and five years of real estate. In his material, the author briefly describes the procedure for the purchase of housing in France, explains why it would be better to search on his own, explains the necessary prepayment of 10 per cent, and everything in that spirit. The note could be useful only for those who have already been reimbursed to acquire French real property, if not for one. As evidence of his words, the author reproduces a scan of a contract for the purchase and sale of a dwelling valued at 3 million euros in Evian-le-Ben town, which was issued in the name of Alexei Naval.