Can A Public Servant Have Real Estate Abroad

Photo: Depositphotos/zestmarina
From now on, a ban on public servants holding accounts and assets abroad has entered into force.
Today, there is a ban on public servants holding accounts and assets abroad, writing a newspaper called the Commersant.
The law on which public servants, parliamentarians, top managers of State Corporations and Central Bank (and their spouses and minor children) were required to dispose of accounts and assets abroad within three months came into force on 19 May. From now on, failure to comply with these requirements may be a resignation. Denis Sverdlov ' s deputy communication minister, whose wife has an account in a foreign bank, has announced the withdrawal from the Government.
The leaders have seen innovation as a requirement that makes property and income more transparent. For example, the requirements of the law - to break off foreign property and assets - were met by the Minister of Open Government, Michael Abizov, and the President ' s Commissioner for the Protection of Business Rights, Boris Titov.
In the Ghosmouth of Blasgray, the law prohibiting public servants from owning property abroad was left with the mandate of only one deputy, the head of the Duma Ethics Commission, Vladimir Pehtin, because of a scandal with an undisclosed apartment in Miami. In July, however, only 39 deputies were reported in Gosduma.
In the upper chamber of the Russian Parliament, statistics on accounts and assets are not disclosed. Last week, the head of the FS commission to monitor the validity of Jury Vorobyev's declarations stated that all those who chose to do business had already left the room. These are the figures on the list forbes Andrei Guriev, Andrei MolĨanova, Nikolae Olshansk, Dmitrii Ananyeve. I wrote a statement about Sergei Bajanov's withdrawal. Vitaly Malkin, Boris Speigel, who claimed that his family had a foreign account, was removed because of the dual-nationality scandal.