Buy Real Estate In Europe

More recently, foreign real estate for Rossian in the middle class was an inexplicable dream. Fortunately, Europe is getting closer. This summer, two banks (TB and Sberbank) announced that they were willing to provide mortgages to Rosians for the purchase of real estate abroad. If this service is to be demanded, it will only be time.
This news is widely perceived as optimistic, because it is difficult to borrow a long-term loan from a foreign bank, because not all have a credit story in the European Union.
Those who choose to lend to purchase foreign real property in Sbank will be able to obtain mortgages for the acquisition of a home or apartment in countries such as the Czech Republic, Croatia and Turkey.
WTB intends to provide credit for the purchase of housing in more business-oriented countries: Germany, Austria and France.
The mission of the Russian banks ' offices is to help a potential real estate buyer to prepare the necessary documentation package and to assess possible risks. The mortgage will be issued in the selected country, a branch of the domestic bank. Bank representatives indicate that interest rates on mortgages will not differ from European. If banks keep their promise, the purchase of foreign real estate will cost less than the mortgage for the purchase of real property in Russia.
What countries in Europe are the most advantageous to buy real estate now?
Germany: profitability and stability
Quarters and houses in Germany are one of the most interesting proposals in the European real estate market. First, it's the most stable market. Secondly, there are many interesting proposals for real estate buyers at different levels, from elite apartments and houses to economic-class housing.
Fragility in Germany can be bought easily by foreign buyers. The Government had done its utmost to attract investors: the conditions for the issuance of property documents were simplified. In German banks, there is a steady low interest in real estate credit, with only 2.5% to date.
Investment is better To buy an apartment in Germany. Economies-grade, it's the best place to rent a lot. It is the Economies-Class apartments that are in demand in the rental market. This is because some 59 per cent of Germans prefer not to buy their own housing, but to live in rented apartments.